Need Something Done Around The Home Or Office? Start your job on TradeEzi!
We are dedicated to providing users with the simplest way to receive multiple quotes and hire local businesses. Hundreds of Australians use TradeEzi every day to connect with our ever growing service marketplace and with over 28,000 businesses ready to quote, Its as simple as posting a job! We’ve now made this brilliant service even easier with the new TradeEzi app. Snap a photo and post your jobs on the go or research local businesses at the click of a button.
Whether you’re looking for a plumber, electrician, cleaner or any number of our other 89 service, use the TradeEzi app to get quotes, compare businesses and find the one that’s right for you!
Its as simple as 1,2,3.
1. Describe your job
2. Receive quotes and inspection requests
3. Choose the one that fits your needs
Not only are we dedicated to the Australian market but we aim to be the quickest, easiest and safest way to get jobs done. No more hanging on the phone, waiting for call backs or searching through books and webpages. Just keep your TradeEzi app handy for the next time you need something done – and off you go!
If your a business, TradeEzi not only offers 100% free sign up but 100% free job leads as well. Use the app to sign up your business today or manage your alerts and adjust your listing to improve your presence in our marketplace.
- Quick and easy way to post jobs and get free quotes
- Discover local tradespeople
- Browse the TradeEzi market place with our business lookup
- Discover average prices for services with our hourly rate key
- Search through previously posted jobs to estimate your next project
Business Features:
- Sign up your business for free
- Adjust your alerts and alert radius
- Edit and improve your listing